The Monday Night Mile

Our Mission

The Monday Night Mile a 501(c)(3) non-profit was founded in 2020 to raise money for and awareness of Children’s Hospitals. Since 2018 when the first ever Monday Night Mile was run, the event has raised over $60,000 for Akron Children’s Hospital.

akron Children’s Hospital

Each year

Akron Children’s sees over 1,000,000 patients, performs almost 20,000 surgeries, and makes 600,000 school health visits.

Akron Children’s

Never turns away any child for any reason, including ability to pay.

The 2024 Events

THe Month of Monday Miles

A “virtual” run series, the Month of Monday Miles runs from September 9 through the 30th. Monday Milers from all over will do a mile every Monday and compete with themselves and each other. Some walk, some run, some hike, some take the dog, some take the kids, one surfs. A few get together on the track and race.

Registration includes training plans and videos, weekly drawings for great gear, a cool and comfortable long-sleeve custom t-shirt, a custom hat from Boco, a unique finisher’s medal. There are weekly music playlist drops, a private Facebook page, and a leaderboard.

Prizes for fastest mile and most improved in multiple divisions.

It’s a blast.

Monday Night Mile VII

On October 7 at 6:00, the Monday Night Mile returns to the College of Wooster Track. A festival atmosphere. A dozen different races: girls, boys, toddlers, walkers, joggers, runners, racers, masters, mile-relay teams. Chip-timing. Custom t-shirt, food truck, live DJ, award ceremonies. It’s an evening of competition and joy.

It’s a racing event for the whole family.

And so much fun!